Sunday, March 14, 2010

My daily technology experience is a positive one (for the most part) !

My personal experience with technology and its evolution has mostly been a good one. For one, I would not be able to do many of the things that I now do if it wasn’t for innovative technology and remote technology advances such as distance learning. I have 2 children; one who is only about 5 months old. So going to school would not have been possible without technology. When I found out I was pregnant, I knew it would be hard, but still achievable with enough commitment. This was only because of the use of my computers, fast internet, and distance learning that allow me to do all of my school work in the convenience of my own home. For example, if the baby wakes up, I simply take a break from school and go back when it is convenient for me (and the baby) ! When I want to pay all of my bills, I do that from the convenience of my computer. The same is true with shopping and touching base with old friends and family. I will admit that I find myself a little bit warped into the net sometimes and forget how much time I spent surfing. That can be remedied with simply paying more attention to time spent on it and setting enough time aside for each aspect of my life, essentially keeping a healthy balance. My husband and I own a couple of businesses, one of which is a car dealership. Technology has enabled us to put many of the cars for sale online through sites like Craig’s list and EBay, which gives us more avenues for advertising the cars we have. I love to keep up with the news and cannot sit down and wait for CNN to go through each of their stories, so I just log on to and search for what I need and usually spend only a few minutes. Overall, technology plays an integral part of my life. It makes many things possible that otherwise wouldn’t be and helps me with many of my daily activities. The key is to have a healthy balance between things. Certain things, like spending time with my kids, I may find myself relying on technology too much. I flick on the television, give them a video game, or log them on the computer so I can get my own stuff done. These are the parts of technology where I must be weary. There is no technological replacement for some things, and that is one of them!

Word count 424


  1. Distance learning is huge for me as well. I could probably manage going to the University of North Florida or Jacksonville University, but it would have been really hard with my schedule. As far as bills go, I pay all of mine over the internet. I hardly get any mail anymore!

  2. I don't pay all of my bills online, but I pay some. We actually still prefer the old school way of stamps and evnolopes I guess. I
    also checked out UNF and JU as well and they did not have very flexible schedules for my life, so FSU distance learning was the way to go! GO NOLES

  3. It's funny how connected we are, who knows how long until that connection becomes literal and we are physically connected to computers. which may sound like a conspiracy theory. But the technology exists and is currently in use still in the test stages. But with all of this upto them minute and sometimes up to the second communication it is nice to get away from it all. I find myself loosing sleep sometimes getting lost on the internet reading articles I find interesting, which can cause me to be tired for work in the morning.... So going camping in the wilderness away from it all is more than welcome when everything becomes overwhelming.

  4. I agree with you about getting away from it. It is overwhelming and actually causes more stress than any of the old school stuff ever did. I guess its sort of an addictive and necessary evil.
